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        My World!!


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Hi there,

I'm Dany and you have just crossed the frontiers of my world (all right web site), which is dedicated to keep information about me, my interests, hobbies, programming, links, drawings, babblings, thoughts, practice my writing abilities (so there might be some things of  interest to no one but myself) and everything i judge worth putting on it....That doesn't mean i'm closed to any kind of  feedback, on the contrary it is welcome (don't be afraid to made suggestions that'll help improve my communication abilities), BTW you also should read the Disclaimer.

Now if you want to know more about me just keep reading, or go visit my Resume On Line... bits of my interests and philosophy are here ..Anyway, you're welcome to surf through my site at any time.

Update 18-March-2008: Finally after 10 years with my page on tripod and close to two years after the last update (other than the links section which got updated automatically) I decided to revamp the whole site completly. Also I got fed up with the annoying amount of ads that tripod was inserting on my site so I moved it to this new domain.

Back to TopWho am I?
Unless you're happy/unhappy (hey, everyone it's entitled to their own opinions) enough to know me already  :)....I imagine that you are wondering who the heck am I probably the easiest thing to do is tell you the whole story:

 Everything started at the last day of the seventh month in the 1971th year of the lord, a child was born which ....

..Mmmm ... No, I don't think you wanna hear the long story so i think we'd better go for the short one:

Well my name is Daniel Arturo Barrero Ulloa but i prefer been called Dany (No!, there is no missing 'n' , i like it that way :-), i was born at the start of the 70's  in Bogota, Colombia, South America, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy ,Universe... and i'm actually in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, North America, ... working currently as a video games programmer which is quite different than my previous life as a Post-Doctoral fellow in Scientific Visualisation and CFD (Computer Fluid Dynamics) at the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Polytechnic School of Montreal, well if you wonder how i got myself into this mess (a computer scientist doing fluid dynamics and actual physics?! kind of weird isn't it?! ;-) just keep reading. Bits of my interests and philosophy are here , otherwise you're welcome to surf through my site at anytime...


Back to TopThe Almost Short Version of  My Recent Life's Story :-)
Well i'm going to start my story from the most interesting part: The University Years.

   Everything started when i was 16 in January 1988 when i started the university. After some years with long nights of hard study, party, and ..all the typical student duties ;-), in March 1994 (well i really finished in december 1993, but they give the diplomas in March,  notice that in Colombia the Bs degree is a 5 year program at least) i finally obtained my bachelor degree in Systems and Computer Engineering (you can call it Computer Science) at the Andes University (that's in Bogota, Colombia, .. you know the rest..), with a thesis on Physically Based Modeling And Simulation, at the DFAC (CAD/CAM/CG) group (now called the IMAGINE group).

   Then that same year after giving to it some serious thought , i decided to continue having long nights of (you know what) and decided to obtain my MS in Computer Science simultaneously with a Masters Degree on Mathematics, all that at the same university. .... i had decided that going out to the real world to work with databases/cobol/rpg, etc.. wasn't for me, and that there must be more interesting jobs but that i needed to gather more knowledge to get one (i had already worked one semester as a full time network administator/database developer/analyst in a financial company so it wasn't an uninformed choice)... also it was the year i started to practice Paragliding which changed my life forever lending me to drop out of the MS in Math and  focus myself on flying and the MSCS :-)...

.....well, i'm going off topic here, but hey it's My page!, anyway lets get back on topic... were was i... oh, yeah..... to pay my studies i obtained an assistantship in the CS department's Networks Group to do some research in the area of Client Server applications (sponsored by Digital), then i took the opportunity of going one semester to Venezuela to follow some CG and AI classes at the Simon Bolivar University and do some great Paragliding, when i got back from Venezuela i got a fellowship to do some research in the area of  Terrestrial Navigational Systems (GPS systems in cars, sponsored by Liikuva) for one semester, after that i got a assistantship to work as programmer, help to the system administration and web mastering of the brand new Super computing Center of the university: MOX ( It's was a only little Cray, and some other good machines to be really Super Computing  but it's the first and only cray there is in Colombia for the time being, so it's a nice start  :-)..well in September 1996 I  finally obtained my Masters Degree in Systems and Computer Engineering (similar to MS in CS-CE, notice here also that in Colombia the MS degree is a 2 year program min.) with a thesis on Modeling and Simulation of Turbulence Phenomena for VR systems,  at the DFAC group .

   well and if you think the story is over.... you're wrong, but don't get desperate it's almost finished, because from there I went to France thanks to a fellowship  of the French government to made a "These en Informatique dans le domaine de la sinthese d'images"  (that's a Ph.D.. in CS in the area of Computer Graphics) to follow my research over the simulation of natural (turbulence) phenomena applied to computer graphics (and the extra opportunity to do some serious Paragliding by the side ;). 

   To do that i'd went to the IRIT, at Toulouse, France, Europe, etc...  But everything wasn't so nice and simple since there isn't a direct equivalence between Colombian degrees and French degrees, I was obliged to inscribe myself in a D.E.A. in Computer Graphics (a one year Master Degree) happily since I had already a MsCS I was exempted of classes and examinations, and could take the time to improve my French, and work in research only, and had only to present/defend the final Ms Report in June 1997 on the subject "Modeling and Simulation of Turbulence in Participating Media", so as it turns out to be now i have 2 MsCS in Computer Graphics! .... well , from there I started my Ph.D.. at the same laboratory at the team of Computer Graphics "Equipe Synthese d'Images", where I finally got my Ph.D. (defended on January 2001) after 3 years of research ........ and my four years of Paragliding in the Free flight paradise that's france (in case you haven't noticed i'm a Paragliding fanatic, and pretty proud and happy of being one :-)....

   But that's not the end of the story, after finishing my PhD y went back to Colombia to see what could be done there, also because it was a requirement of the grant. Back there since the computer graphics industry is quite crude (almost non existant other than creating animations for tv ads and web sites, more with a user than developer mentality), so i worked at several universities giving computer graphics courses, doing some independant consulting and continued researching different topics of computer graphics and animation by my own side, like building with a friend (hi Mauricio!:) a Full Body Motion Capture Device (of the exoskeleton kind), 3D scanner device(touch probe) and even created a company to continue development and comercialization of those devices.

   Well, now we get to the end of the story, if I was back in Colombia working as a teacher and developping computer graphics stuff, how did i get to Canada?.. well, actually it was thanks to this site :-).. a professor of the Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal (Hi Marcelo! :-), was looking for someone that worked on scientific visualisation and had a good knowledge of CFD for a research project that he was developping. Anyways, he found my thesis and papers on this site, then after reading them he contacted me and offer me the opportunity to do a Postdoc at his institution in Canada, and since i had never been in Canada before, the research proyect sounded very interesting (and Colombia's economical situation is going down the toilet) I decided to accept the offer and so, that's how I end up at Montreal learning that actually -40C doesn't mean the thermother is broken!! :-)  and doing some cool stuff  but forced to be on the ground for the most part of the year :-(.. Towards the end of  my Post-doc in 2004 I had to take the decision of staying on the Academic path and go for a tenure position or go to work on the industry for a while, even though I love research, I was tired of the publish or perish mentalily and was going too much into real physics, so I decided to look for a job into the video games industry.

At SIGGRAPH 2004 I took the opportunuty of being there presenting a poster to pass my resume around, the first person I talked to was the recruiter of a huge game company and got dissapointed as she basically convinced that having a PhD meant that I will "never" will be able to get into the industry :-(.. fortunately while wandering around I stumbled upon the stand of a Canadian game company that made one of my favorite RTS games, I was not even thinking anymore to pass my resume around, but the HR lady in the stand actually convinced me to give her my resume, and a few months later after a couple of interviews I got hired by them, and thus I finally started working profesionally programming video games since March 2005 at Relic Entertainment :-)

   Uff!!, finally that wasn't a so short story ;)... oh, well... Now, if  you read until  here and you're not tired to sickness of reading about me, now i suppose you are wondering what are my main areas of interest and work, you can keep reading to see a pretty short list (no, really this time is really short :-)...

Anyway, you are welcome to wander through my site, or go take a look to my  Resume On Line if you want all the concrete info about me without the prose.

Back to TopA (Really) Short list of my interests and work
Well  basically i'm interested at everything that could represent a challenge to me, or allows me to learn new things and not only in the area of Computer Science, not because i just love science, but also since the better answers to the problems can come from the must  unexpected / unrelated  places, but in general my main areas interests are:
  • Computer Graphics: Mainly: Visualization, Physically Based Modeling (My BS thesis), Photo realistic Rendering, Real Time Rendering, VR,etc.... 
  • Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems (fire, smoke, clouds, folding paper, etc.. my  MS thesis and Ph.D. research)
  • Paragliding.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Mostly animation control, and Artificial life i haven't worked a lot on this area but i'll try to improve that when i get the time..
  • StarWars:Yes, i belong to the millons of crazy lunatics that think these are among the best movies of all times (the original ones of course not the crap of SE and new trilogy).
  • GUI: programing and design.
  • Game Programming, I know it is my current job but I really like it and even before getting into the industry it was a big hobby for me.
  • Electronics and robotics (one of my oldest dreams, maybe someday i'll get to know someone crazy enough to help me build a super robot.. well at least playing with the Lego Mindstorms kit, the adc and the exoskeleton i builded could be considered finally as a good start   ;-).. 
  • Computer Programming: I just love programming, and contributing to Open Source proyects, the language doesn't matter as long as it is a decent one (no, cobol is not one) , it's great to learn to master new languages to the smallest detail, and it's better to use the best tool for each job.
  • Drawing, Sketching, Painting, sculpting: well i've always loved to draw but i have gotten quite seriously into it latetly although i can't say i consider my self an artist ;-).
  • Have Fun: Paragliding, Programming, Television, Movies, Role Playing Games, Roller Skating, Paragliding, Video Gaming, Linux (hey, it not only works great but it also lets you have fun working with it :).
  • Did i said Paragliding?.. 
If  you want more information about me, you can always check my Resume On Line, or wander through my site.

Si quieren informacion sobre uno de los mejores Otorrinolaringolos de Colombia pueden visitar el consultorio de Otorrinolaringologia de mi hermana:

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Any comments, suggestions, questions, problems, etc.. are welcome and can be send to:
Insults, flames, etc.. can be directed to /dev/null

To some this could seem somewhat paranoiac but there have been happening some stupid legal battles over web site contents everywere all over the world. It's not to say that i'll do something illegal as almost if not all of the material posted here is my original work, otherwise it'll have the corresponding credits, but as there is always some stupid people that will try to use any method to get easy money, i think it's better to protect myself , so here it is:


Lego, Linux, Star Wars and All trademarks mentioned  in this web site are the property of their respective owners.
All things posted here not created by me are posted with the approval of their respective authors, or follows the guidelines given by their respective licences. 
I'm not responsible for the contents of linked sites or sites wich link to this site.
All the information provided in this site is provided As Is without any guarantee of any kind, and can be modified without notice at any time.
If you have a problem with  the posted material it's without any intention of harm of any kind, just tell me and i'll do the necesary modifications.